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Great Romanian Inventions

Updated on April 2, 2013

Romanian Inventions

More than an object, the history of that. What you know about the pen? Or the insulin? Both are made by romanians. And other more. Let me tell you something about that. Hard to believe bot not impossible because that is the truth.

Sonic drilling

In 1934, Ion St.Basgan patented in Romania the sonic drilling. After that, in 1937, the inventor patented the invention in the U.S., for deep-sea oil drilling. At that time, using the classic drill, Americans do not reach more than 1,500 meters deep. Using sonic drilling they reached nearly 12,000 meters depth.

Propeller machine gun synchronization and more

In World War I British air fleet was inferior to the German planes because last had superior arms. British admiralty decided to make a contest of inventions which help the British to win the war. George Constantinescu invented the device that synchronize airplane machine gun with the propeller. Also George Constantinescu is the father of Sonics - the science of mechanical power transmission through vibration. An if you like to drive your car for the automatic gear that is also possible because George Constantinescu invented the automatic gear.

Insulin injection

Nicolae Paulescu, a professor of psychology at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bucharest, is the one who discovered for the first time in 1921, insulin, the hormone secreted by the pancreas that regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, and minerals in the body protidelor. Paulescu is one that has demonstrated efficacy in reducing hyperglycemia and this substance to use insulin to treat diabetes. His discovery has saved millions of lives.

Jet Engine

In October 1910, the Grand Palace on the Champs-Elysee, Paris hosted the second edition of the International Aerospace Exhibition. Were exposed to the latest aviation parts. The most interesting machine, which has attracted the attention of many, was a red plane with no propeller, the metal plate whose wrote Coanda 1910. This aircraft it was totally different from what the people called up when "plane." The machine had two wings and one double room, a span of 10.3 m, 12.5 m long, weighing 420 kg and the propulsion force of 220 kg. Jet engine, invented and built for the first time by Henri Coanda was composed of a piston engine, four-cylinder, water cooled and develops 50 horsepower at 1,000 rpm.


Romanian physician specialist in gerontology, academician in 1974 and director of the National Institute of Geriatrics and Gerontology, Ana Aslan emphasized the importance of procaine in improving age-related dystrophic disorders, applying it widely in clinical geriatrics, under the name of Gerovital or vitamin H3. Geriatric product was prepared in 1952 and patented in over 30 countries. That same year he founded the National Institute of Geriatrics Geronto, "Dr. Ana Aslan ", the first institute of geriatrics in the world, a model for developing countries through research and clinical care.

The Pen

In 1827, to May 25, 3208 Petrache Poenaru obtained a French patent for "plume portable sans fin, qui elle-meme s'alimente avec de l'Encre" (endless portable pen, feeding himself with the ink). This invention revolutionized the field of writing instruments, helping to create an object currently used by millions of people. Poenaru's tank frame with scratches on the paper and remove unwanted ink leakage and propose solutions to improve the component parts to ensure a constant flow of ink, and possible replacement of parts.

Cholera vaccine

The doctor Ioan Cantacuzino set up a cholera vaccination method, called "Cantacuzino method" used today in countries where cases of cholera still signals. Getting involved in the study of cholera, typhus and tuberculosis, make outstanding contributions. He created the concept of immunity through contact.

Ejection seat

On 3 November 1928, Anastase Dragomir recorded in France, the patent application "Nouveau Systeme des parachutes of montage of dance les appareils aerienne Locomotion" and received patent no. 678 566 of 2 April 1930 on the "ejection cabin".

Karpen cell

An electric cell, Romanian production, provides power for 56 years without interruption. Inventor miracle, Nicolae Vasilescu-Karpen, scientist, engineer, physicist and inventor said with a half-century ago, that it will work forever. It's "uniform temperature thermoelectric Pila", known as "Karpen's Cell", made in 1950. The device is actually a perpetuum mobile, ie a device that generates energy indefinitely without outside intervention.Nicolae Vasilescu-Karpen began working on a theory of power cells to generate endless energy even before the First World War. The "Cell" was patented in 1922.


Cybernetics is the retrospective control theory. The term spread especially in connection with digital systems, but the scope is much broader: cybernetics deals with how a system (digital, mechanical, biological) processes information and reacts to them, all cybernetics is interested in how systems allow changes or modifications to optimize actions. Stefan Odobleja doctor, creator and father of cybernetics generalized study published in 1929 "Method for Transonic chest" in which the law of reversibility sets out for the first time .

Basilica cannon

The romanian Urban make the first an enormous cannon at 1453, called "Basilica", measuring 8m long and about 75cm in diameter, which was able to launch a 544 kg projectile at a distance of nearly two kilometers.



Made by Grigore Antipa (biologist, naturalist, zoologist and ecologist), first scientist who use some kind of picture on his museum on 1907. Due to the exceptional presentations, numerous European and American museums have requested support for organizing their collections like Grigore Antipa do.

Other amasing stuff

  • 1858 - the Bucharest was the first city in the world lighted by oil using the first oil refinery
  • 1886 - Alexandru Ciurcu built the first jet boat
  • 1895 - D. Hurmuzescu discover the electroscope
  • 1920 - Gheorghe Botezatu calculated the possible trajectories the Earth - Moon, used in preparation of the "Apollo" (whose father was another romanian Herman Oberth, from Sibiu), he also was the head of the mathematicians team who worked on the rocket project "Apollo" which led the first man on the moon.


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